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Category: Patients

Impacto dos distúrbios do sono sobre a qualidade de vida
As variedades do sono no decorrer da vida e qual é o seu impacto.

Os distúrbios do sono provocam diversas consequências na vida das pessoas por diminuir sua produtividade diária, aumentar os riscos a adquirir distúrbios psiquiátricos, déficits cognitivos, surgimento e agravamento de problemas de saúde, riscos de acidentes de tráfego, absenteísmo no trabalho, enfim,  por comprometer a qualidade de vida, com diferentes desdobramentos a curto, médio e longo prazo.

Does sleeping separately from your partner improve your sleep? 36% of people think so.
Annual sleep survey reveals trend

Está cada vez mais comum casais dormirem separados de acordo com a 5th Annual Sleep Survey Report publicada no relatório “Wake Up Call: Global Sleep Satisfaction Trends”, realizado pela Royal Philips e divulgada em março de 2020. 36% das pessoas entrevistadas afirma que dorme separado de seu parceiro para tentar melhorar a qualidade do sono.


New York Times article stresses the importance of oximeters to monitor Covid-19 patients
Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation

  • Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation contributes to positive prognosis of patients
  • According to the specialist, coronavirus pneumonia is hard to detect

In an article published by the New York Times in April 20, 2020, the specialist in patient intubation Dr. Richard Levitan described his experience in the United States with patients who had Covid-19 pneumonia and stressed the importance of the work Biologix carries out.


Sleep apnea induced arterial hypertension
Get to know the relationship between sleep apnea and hypertension

Ok, but then you ask me what the relationship between hypertension and sleep apnea is. To start on this topic, let’s discuss the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). Sleep apnea is a widespread disease little known by the population. It is characterized by upper airways obstruction during sleep, usually accompanied by a drop in blood oxygen saturation, followed by a transient arousal from sleep to breathe. Its main manifestations during sleep include snoring, pauses in breathing, fragmentation of sleep, which lead to daytime incapacitating problems such as excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, headache, mood swings, as well as to cognitive disturbances (difficulty concentrating and memorizing). If you have one of these symptoms, your physician can request tests that will monitor your sleep and help him or her diagnose your disorder.

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